A former special education teacher for Manual High School admits she had sex with a student and pleaded guilty to state charges today.
Jodi Church will serve four-and-a-half years behind bars, concurrent with a separate seven-year sentence for sexual solicitation over the Internet that she was sentenced last week in federal court.
Today she was sentenced for having a sexual relationship with one of her students.
Her attorney, Mark Wertz, said, "It gave her the opportunity to take responsibility which is what she wanted to do and also gives her the opportunity to pay her debt to society, but also to lead a full life when she's relseased."
Wertz says the victim and his mother did not want to press charges against Church in the most recent case.
He worked with state and federal prosecutors to reach plea agreements in both cases.
Peoria County States Attorney Kevin Lyons said, "I think the message is the same whether it's a seven-year prison sentence up the street or a four and a half concurrent here. That is, if you play the risk and get caught there's a serious consequence to that so I'm pleased with what the judge did today."
She will spend her time at a Texas Federal prison and will remain under court supervision for life when she's finished serving her prison sentence.

Note from Gag:
Jodi, Jodi, Jodi, I told you not to mess with them freaky, slow kids. Well, not to worry, I'm sure you'll find plenty of mentally challenged playmates at that Texas prison. Call me when you're out, Babe!