A Florence Unified School District kindergarten teacher remained on the job for six months after she was arrested on suspicion of having sex with a 16-year-old, resigning only after the state notified the district, officials said.
The time lag between teacher Angela Csader's arrest and the district being notified has raised concerns from district officials and parents, according to a report in the East Valley Tribune.
"I wish to express not only our distress but our commitment to ensuring the safety ... of your children," district Superintendent Gary Nine wrote in a letter to parents.
Csader, a 25-year-old Queen Creek resident, was arrested in July on charges she had sex with a Gilbert boy who fathered her child.
Charged with three counts of sexual conduct with a minor, she's been on supervised release and continued to go to her job at Anthem Elementary School until late January, when the Arizona Department of Education notified the district.
She has declined through her lawyer to comment.
According to police reports and court records, Csader was hired by a Gilbert couple to help teach their 8-year-old in their home. She's accused of starting a sexual relationship with the boy's 16-year-old brother beginning in August 2006.
Her arrest highlights a communication lag between police, courts, the Department of Education and local school districts.
The state Department of Education has an investigation section that deals with teachers facing criminal charges. But under state law, school districts are responsible for notifying the department, which then revokes the teacher's certification.
District spokesman Larry Cline said the school found out on Jan. 30 that Csader's fingerprint card was revoked. To be certified as a teacher, state law requires a fingerprint clearance card issued by the Arizona Department of Public Safety.
But DPS officials said they don't notify schools if a fingerprint check pops up.
``There is no alert system where information about a teacher arrested would be forwarded,'' DPS spokesman Harold Sanders said.
Note from Gag:
I thought for sure Angela was a transvestite!