NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- A parole official is opposing release for a former teacher with six years left on her prison sentence for having sex with a 13-year-old male student in Warren County.
Video: Pamela Rogers Pleads For Second Chance
Convicted sex offender Pamela Rogers got her first shot at parole at a hearing on Wednesday. She has been an inmate at a Nashville women’s prison since 2006.
Prosecutors objected to the parole. Rogers' father spoke on her behalf.
Rogers was first arrested in February 2005 and pleaded no contest to charges of having sexual intercourse and oral sex with the student. She served six months in jail and got a lengthy probation on those charges under the condition that she not contact the student or his family or use the Internet.
However, she soon sent the boy text messages and what the judge described as "lewd" videos and pictures of herself nude and engaged in sex.
The judge decided that broke the terms of her probation and ordered Rogers to serve the rest of her suspended sentence in prison.
On Wednesday, she said her time in prison has allowed her to undergo rehab. She claimed that she's been a model prisoner and is ready to begin a new life with her family.
Rogers said the reason she messed up her second chance was because of the lack of help she was getting in the Warren County Jail.
“There was no counseling, no type of treatment for me to recognize that everything I was feeling and thought was distorted,” she said. “Just had a horrible lapse in judgment. I made a terrible mistake. … Everything that happened, I know that I made the choices that I made, and I know it was my fault.”
Rogers' attorney, Peter Strianse of Nashville, said previously that she violated the court order because she had become obsessed with the boy. A clinical psychologist hired by Rogers' family testified at a court hearing that Rogers should be treated for "sexual addiction."
The hearing officer's nonbinding recommendation against parole before 2014 goes to the board for a final decision, likely in the next few weeks, board spokeswoman Melissa McDonald said.
Continued at WSMV. More info here and also here.
Note from Gag:
One thing's for certain, the poor girl is obviously suffering from lack of bleach blond hair dye.